Just travelled home and want to experience all the beautiful moments of the 2023 Haarlem Jamborette again? You can! Here you can find all the highlights of the 14th Haarlem Jamborette, from the Opening ceremony to the Closing ceremony and all that happened in between. Watch it back and experience the magical moments of this summer once again!

Live Timelapse | Live from the Jambo boulevard

Latest frame from the boulevard timelapse camera

Every 30 minutes a new updated version of the timelapse will be visible here

Closing ceremony

Unfortunately, the 14th Haarlem Jamborette has officially come to an end. But nothing to be sad about, as you can watch back the Closing ceremony here! Look back at all the great times scouts have had here in Spaarnwoude, and get excited for the next Jamborette in 2027!


Don’t you just love those lazy Sundays after a busy week, where you take your time and look back on the experiences you have had so far? Where you think about the things and the people that really matter in your life? Why not do that together during the reflection?

Opening ceremony

The 14th Haarlem Jamborette has officially started! Watch back the opening ceremony to witness the joy and to see the story of Studio 14 unfold. Sing along to the Jamborette songs and experience the ceremony as if you were here.


Jambo Journal



