FAQ | General questions

Can I register for Haarlem Jamborette 2023?

We are almost at the maximum number of participants. When you sign up your registration is a request. You will receive a confirmation or rejection within one week. Make sure you also read the info about the registration proces and camp fee before register.

Registration >>

How does the registration process work?

The Haarlem Jamborette is a well-known international scout camp and an opportunity for all participants to meet scouts and guides from as many different cultures and countries as possible. To safeguard our truly international goal, we made the difficult decision to be stricter in the registration process and set a maximum number of participants per country. This will apply to every country in the world, but we are aware that this will affect UK groups the most since we have a lot of UK groups and districts attending previous Haarlem Jamborettes.

How does this work? Based on the first come/first served principle, a scout group can attend as soon as the registration as stated below is completed, and the country has not reached its participant limit yet. As soon as a country reached the limit, we will let this know via our website and social media and will add new incoming registrations from that country on a waiting list. Please note: The pre-registration alone does not count. Only completing your registration by paying the fee guarantees your participation.

Registration process

  • There are a few boxes your registration needs to pass:
  • We expect a group (or district/county/country contingent) registration; individuals, couples or families cannot register.
  • You register with a minimum of 8 participants, and a maximum of 75 participants (incl. leaders).
  • The scout/guide age range is 10-17 years, we expect a leader to scout/guide ratio of about 1 to 6 (with a minimum of 2 leaders).
  • The maximum number of participants per registration is 75.

After you meet these requirements, you make the transfer of the registration fee, and your pre-registration is changed to final registration. The date of receiving the fee in our bank account is your registration date. We will confirm this to you by e-mail, within 2 weeks after receiving your fee. Something to look forward too right?!In due course we will ask you to update your participant numbers, split into age range and leaders. At the end of 2022 we will ask you to make a final update of the number of participants in your group. Based on the numbers in our systems by January 1, 2023 you will receive the final invoice. Your paid registration fee will be deducted from the total amount. The final invoice is due March 1, 2023. Besides the registration fee, there are no participation payments required before this date.

What is the camp fee for the 2023 Jamborette?

The camp fee includes your stay, all food and drinks, toilets, washing facilities, hot showers, free Wi-Fi, 9 days full of activities, the open day and 1 day off to do your own activities.

The basic camp fee for our 14th edition of the Haarlem Jamborette in 2023 is set to € 380 per participant. The registration fee is based on the number of participants you estimate as followed:

0-15 estimated participants    € 500, –
16-25 estimated participants    € 800, –
26-35 estimated participants    € 1.100, –
36-50 estimated participants    € 1.500, –
51-75 estimated participants    € 2.000, –

Please be aware it might be difficult to make significant changes to your estimated participants in a later stage. If we already reached (country) limits, it might not be possible to add more participants to your registration.

Like a travel agency, we do have a cancellation policy. If you need to cancel for whatever reason before April 1, 2022, we will refund your registration fee (minus €50 administrative costs). After this date, your registration fee is non-refundable. In reverse, in the very unlikely case we need to cancel our preparations for the Jamborette 2023 before April 1, 2022, we will refund your registration fee fully.

Payment of the registration fee can be made to our bank account below (preferably), or using PayPal (to: finance@haarlemjamborette.nl)
Account name/address: Stichting Haarlem Jamborette, Soestdijkstraat 27, Haarlem, NL.
Account # (IBAN): NL91 INGB 0009 2222 09

Name bank: ING Bank N.V., Foreign Operations, PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam


When does the camp take place?

The opening ceremony of the Jamborette will be on the afternoon/evening of Sunday 6th August and the closing ceremony will be in the evening of Tuesday 15th August 2023. The campsite is open from Saturday 5th August and will be closed at Wednesday 16th August. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to stay on the campsite for another night.

What is the location of the Haarlem Jamborette 2023?

The Jamborette is held in Recreatiegebied Spaarnwoude (Spaarnwoude Recreational Area), a nature reserve located between Amsterdam, Haarlem and Velsen. This reserve has many hiking routes, a mountain bike track, swimming lakes and even a ski slope and a climbing wall. In addition, big events are held in the reserve every year, and in 2023 the Jamborette will be one of them.

You can get to the site by bike and car, and there is a railway station (Halfweg-Zwanenburg Station) nearby for those travelling by public transport. We have a limited number of parking spaces on site for cars and coaches of participating groups. As a reference download the Haarlem Jamborette 2023 campsite map.

Are there age restrictions voor participants?

A youth participant may not be younger than 10 and not older than 17 years old at the start of the Haarlem Jamborette. This means that they were born between and August 15, 2005 and August 6, 2013 

What will the programme look like?

The Program Team of the 2023 Haarlem Jamborette is working on organising a challenging, active and varied programme again. Every day will have a different theme and activities to go with it, organised by these teams: Aqua, Trail, Hikes, Sports, Arts, Crafts & Technology and Jambo day. More information about the 2023 schedule and activities>>

Are there activities for leaders only as well?

As a leader your first responsibility is of course to make sure your own group is running well, meaning that you ensure the tents are pitched, the meals are cooked, and your scouts arrive on time for the various activities. As a rule of thumb, we expect groups to bring a maximum of 1 leader per 6 participants. We expect leaders to come along on the excursions, hikes and other activities away from the campsite. You will also have the opportunity to join in with the activities on site and sometimes we will ask your help to supervise these activities.

We expect leaders to come along on the excursions, hikes and other activities away from the campsite. You will also have the opportunity to join in with the activities on site and sometimes we will ask your help to supervise these activities

In the evenings, various activities will take place on the sub camps, and we would particularly like to involve the leaders of the participating groups. If you have a good idea for a fantastic international evening activity… make sure you remember it for now and wait for more information from the sub camp staff.

We will give leaders that have some free time and don’t want to sit around in front of their tent a few opportunities to participate in a special activity or come to a social gathering for an enjoyable time.

How many leaders should I bring?

As a leader your first responsibility is of course to make sure your own group is running well, meaning that you ensure the tents are pitched, the meals are cooked and your scouts arrive on time for the various activities. As a rule of thumb, we expect groups to bring a maximum of 1 leader per 6 participants.

We expect leaders to come along on the excursions, hikes and other activities away from the campsite. You will also have the opportunity to join in with the activities on site and sometimes we will ask your help to supervise these activities.

Do you have an visitor's day?

We think it’s great fun to have family and friends visit the Jamborette to come and have a look, so we are organising an open day on Sunday August 13th 2023. On this day we will welcome all visitors to show them what the participants get up to during the Jamborette. The visitors can join in with a lot of the activities and stroll around the subcamps to visit the scout groups from all over the world.

Date: Sunday 13th August.
Time: 13.00 – 16.30 hrs
Location: All over the campsite.
Entrance fee: 5 euro pp

  • inclusive 1 Jambo mug & 2 Jambo’s (our own currency)
  • Children under 3 years free entrance
Where can I send postcards during the camp?

Haarlem Jamborette
Name scout, name group, sub camp
Postbox 3092
2001 DB Haarlem
The Netherlands

What is the code of conduct used at the Haarlem Jamobrette?

The Haarlem Jamborette is organised under the conditions of Scouting Netherlands. We consider a safe physical and social environment for youth members and volunteers essential. The Scouting Nederland code of conduct clearly states -what is- and -what is not- desirable in interactions between volunteers and youth members. But of course, also for interaction between volunteers. You will find the code of conduct in the appendices as we use it.

Should a volunteer or youth member feel unsafe interacting with volunteers or other youth members, a confidential counselor is available to report the situation. In addition, we assume that each participating group has its own confidant within the group, where any unsafe situation can be discussed. At the start of the Jamborette, the sub-camp staff will inform the groups how the confidant can be called in.

Download code of conduct | Dutch>>
Download code of conduct | English>>

I'm having a question which is not listed here?

Please contact info@haarlemjamborette.nl if you can’t find your answer here. We will keep updating this page as the camp is getting closer.


FAQ | For participants

Is there a participant handbook with all info?

Yes there is! Click here to download the participant handbook. The table of contents is clickable to quickly find the info you need.

We arrive by road, train, bicycle. What do I have to take into account when we arrive at the campsite?

This document is to guide you to the correct meeting points for all transport to the Haarlem Jamborette campsite. These points are chosen to ensure a quick and safe passage of all participants and their luggage. Please follow the instructions carefully.

For any other assistance: Please call the Jambo Office (+31852733400) if, during your journey, you run into any issues which you cannot solve yourself. The staff member who answers the phone will refer you to the person who can assist you. 

Can I rent camping equipment, such as cooking equipment and tents?

Certain camping gear items will be available for hire. Once you logged in you can start ordering camping equipment and pioneer wood in our participants shop. You will see all of our offered rental possibilities, some with indication ‘out-of-stock’. Those items will be available for ordering later this year.Only in logged-in mode, you will see the drop-down item PARTICIPANTS SHOP.

Due to increased prices of wood, ordering pioneer wood is not for free anymore. We need to charge a small amount for each pole you rent. Rental possibilities for larger tents, tables/benches, gas cannisters etc are available for all participating groups. For most rented camping equipment we will charge a deposit fee. This deposit fee will be refunded within two weeks after our Jamborette (assuming returned in good order, cleaned, no missing parts). Be aware that payment is immediate at check-out. Order your products before October 2022.

Not a European scout group or travelling more than 2500 kms?
Participating groups from outside Europe, or travelling more than 2500km, can rent camping equipment like smaller tents and cooking utilities. Only those groups who qualify, will see those items in the group shop. Ordering is possible for tents and cooking equipment, based on cooking/sleeping per unit of 6/7 scouts/guides.

We are arranging for a courier to bring over our camping equipment. Is that possible?

Yes that is possible. You can deliver the items from Tuesday August 1st. (not before!) Furthermore, it is good to know that the items must be removed from the site no later than Thursday August 17th. Tip: Your materials will not be stored in a dry place. Pack them carefully and ship them on a pallet.

The exact address is:
Haarlem Jamborette (evenemententerrein)
Zuiderweg 1
1165 NA Halfweg.
<group name>
<subcamp name / color>

Where can I reserve transport to and from the campsite?

If you need transport for your group from Schiphol Airport, Rotterdam Airport, or the ferry terminals at IJmuiden, Hoek van Holland, or Rotterdam, the Jamborette will be able to book a coach for you at a reasonable price. On the arrival and departure days we will provide a shuttle service between Halfweg-Zwanenburg railway station and the campsite to transport heavy gear. As the campsite is less than a mile (1,5 km) away, we won’t offer transport for participants and their personal luggage from this station. Rates can be found at www.haarlemjamborette.nl/transport.

How much space for our tents will my group get during the Jamborette?
 That is a difficult question to answer, especially since the exact number of participants in our sub-camp is still not entirely certain. This makes it difficult to make the final classification. But we can say something about it. At the previous Jamborette there was about 10 square meters per person. We assume that this will be similar with the upcoming Jamborette. However, this can be slightly less with a large group and slightly more with a small group. And beware: the camp area is not always square! You will discover the exact layout when you arrive at the camp site, but we think that you can at least get started with a rough layout of your camp site.
In what subcamp have we been placed?
The subcamp layout can be found on this document.
Who can I contact about a visa application?

When you need a Visa to stay in The Netherlands you can contact info@haarlemjamborette.nl

What can i expect from the Food Supply Team?

The Food Supply Manual will shed some light on our way of working and what you can expect from the Food Supply Team. And this document will help you create delicious dishes throughout your time at the Jamborette.

During the Jamborette, we – the Food Supply (FS) team, will try to facilitate all your needs concerning food and drinks. Starting from the 5th of August with the basics kit and evening meal foraging (collection), the last meal will be on the 16th with bread and fruit for breakfast. The Food Supply team will be busy with your supplies throughout the day. If you have any questions, you can ask them during the foraging hours in the morning or afternoon. If anything is “wrong” with the numbers, aka administrative issues such as two vegetarians on paper instead of four, go to your subcamp staff during foraging hours to check this, they will inform Food Supply if needed. 

Can I submit dietary requirements?

To order the right food and beverages, we need the dietary requirements of your scouts and guides in advance. You can let us know in your group profile. You can choose two alternative food menus: no pork or vegetarian. An example if you’re arriving with 30 scouts: you choose 20 vegetarian, and 2 no pork menus (remaining 8 will be regular by default)

Beside these standard menus, we offer 10 specific diets combination per person if needed: no nuts, no gluten or no lactose (and combinations between those). These diets are available at an extra charge of € 45,- per person.

How does it work in your group profile? You will see a drop down menu in your account. Be aware you choose the right combination (for example, regular + lactose free or vegetarian + lactose free). The registration page offers you the possibility to register ten combination to an individual diet, for a maximum of ten people. If you need more than ten different combinations, please send an email to info@haarlemjamborette.nl. Unfortunately we cannot supply other dietary types as indicated in the drop down menu.

What will the programme look like?

The Program Team of the 2023 Haarlem Jamborette is working on organising a challenging, active and varied programme again. Every day will have a different theme and activities to go with it, organised by these teams: Aqua, Trail, Hikes, Sports, Arts, Crafts & Technology and Jambo day. More information about the 2023 schedule and activities>>

What is the camp's theme?

TAKE 23!   Haarlem Jamborette – ‘The making of’
Welcome to CHANNEL 14, your main source of information during the Jamborette. We provide you with the latest news, weather updates, entertainment, sports… you name it! 

Well, actually… To be honest, our onetime florishing TV channel is not doing too well lately. I mean, who still watches television these days, right? But there is still so much this channel and its people haves to offer. All we need is a little help from our friends. And that’s where you come in! Together we are going to create the greatest content mankind has ever seen. For that purpose we have divided the campsite into four areas, where you can let loose your creativity, enthusiasm and energy. They are names and song:  

– OMC – The ORANGE MOVIE CHANNEL | Audio of Video 

By the way, you might come across some odd characters while you are on the campsite. Not to worry though, they are generally quite nice to talk to or interact with. Try and get to know them a little!  

Oh, there is also ‘Blue, Behind the Scenes’. You can find this area on the map, but you are not allowed to enter it. Trust us, it’s for your own safety!!

We went to use the Haarlem Jamborette logo’s for your own website, social media, t-shirts, hoodies etc. Where can we download the logo's?

Great that you would like to use the Haarlem Jamborette logo’s for your own website, social media, t-shirts, hoodies etc. We would prefer that you don’t alter the logo’s in any way; don’t change the colour, sizing, orientation, background or to add or to remove elements. This way we an all show the same Haarlem Jamborette vibe! For tips, colourcodes, fonts etc. we created a toolkit.

Download | General logo
Download | Theme logo
Download | Subcamp logo’s | Green
Download | Subcamp logo’s | Orange
Download | Subcamp logo’s | Red
Download | Subcamp logo’s | Yellow
Download | Subcamp logo’s | Blue (Staff)

Do you have any questions or comments about this toolbox? Let us know via media@haarlemjamborette.nl

I forgot my participants inlog password

Your user ID and password was sent to you with the (auto) e-mail message right after your registration on our website. Request a new one one this page. Fill in your e-mail address you used to register! You will receive an e-mail with a link, to reset your password.

What is the code of conduct used at the Haarlem Jamobrette?

The Haarlem Jamborette is organised under the conditions of Scouting Netherlands. We consider a safe physical and social environment for youth members and volunteers essential. The Scouting Nederland code of conduct clearly states -what is- and -what is not- desirable in interactions between volunteers and youth members. But of course, also for interaction between volunteers. You will find the code of conduct in the appendices as we use it.

Should a volunteer or youth member feel unsafe interacting with volunteers or other youth members, a confidential counselor is available to report the situation. In addition, we assume that each participating group has its own confidant within the group, where any unsafe situation can be discussed. At the start of the Jamborette, the sub-camp staff will inform the groups how the confidant can be called in.

Download code of conduct | Dutch>>
Download code of conduct | English>>

What responsibilities will be taken by the Haarlem Jamborette 2023

Within scouting in the Netherlands, responsibilities are regulated at various levels, including the national scouting organization, the Haarlem Jamborette Foundation, its volunteers (employees), and the individual participating scouting groups. Attached you will find how the responsibility is regulated in scouting activities in the Netherlands, to which we strictly adhere.

I'm having a question which is not listed here?

Please contact info@haarlemjamborette.nl if you can’t find your answer here. We will keep updating this page as the camp is getting closer.


FAQ | For staff

Can I attend as a volunteer?

Due to the many applications we have received, registration for volunteers is closed

I forgot my were I can login to the staff dashboard

You can login on: dashboard.haarlemjamborette.nl

What is the code of conduct used at the Haarlem Jamobrette?

The Haarlem Jamborette is organised under the conditions of Scouting Netherlands. We consider a safe physical and social environment for youth members and volunteers essential. The Scouting Nederland code of conduct clearly states -what is- and -what is not- desirable in interactions between volunteers and youth members. But of course, also for interaction between volunteers. You will find the code of conduct in the appendices as we use it.

Should a volunteer or youth member feel unsafe interacting with volunteers or other youth members, a confidential counselor is available to report the situation. In addition, we assume that each participating group has its own confidant within the group, where any unsafe situation can be discussed. At the start of the Jamborette, the sub-camp staff will inform the groups how the confidant can be called in.

Download code of conduct | Dutch>>
Download code of conduct | English>>

What responsibilities will be taken by the Haarlem Jamborette 2023

Within scouting in the Netherlands, responsibilities are regulated at various levels, including the national scouting organization, the Haarlem Jamborette Foundation, its volunteers (employees), and the individual participating scouting groups. Attached you will find how the responsibility is regulated in scouting activities in the Netherlands, to which we strictly adhere.

I'm having a question which is not listed here?

Please contact subcamp_blue@haarlemjamborette.nl if you can’t find your answer here. We will keep updating this page as the camp is getting closer.

FAQ | Coronavirus

What effect do the measures have on the Jamborette?

The Jamborette staff takes all developments and effects of the coronavirus into account. Because for us one thing is clear, we have to organize a safe and healthy camp for our participants and volunteers. Up until spring 2023, we make sure to take the necessary steps in this pandemic to organize a camp as we did for 13 previous camps. Of course we keep you updated on the outcome as soon as decisions are made by the camp staff and Haarlem Jamborette foundation. In the meantime we work on what we do best: creating an incredible (and safe) Haarlem Jamborette.